We are making this compression ratio calculator available to our valued customers and website visitors so that you can research various engine combinations to make the best possible car parts buying decision. Please feel free to use this compression ratio calculator as much as you like and please also post links to this page on the internet so that others may take advantage of it also.
Mr. Gasket Hot Rod CalculatorINSTANT ANSWERS AT THE TRACK or IN THE GARAGEAt the track, see how weather and elevation will affect your times so you can instantly predict your dial-ins using current track conditions. Predict Elapsed Time and top speed for 1/4 mile or 1/8 mile runs. No computer, charts or workbooks needed. This is also a great tool to use in the garage, trailer or on the road. It covers a huge range of calculations that are important to gearheads, everything from engine compression ration calculations to rear end gear ratio and tire size affects on rpm and mph.
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Choosing the correct piston is one of the most important aspects of getting the best possible performance from your engine, in your exact application. We sell a wide variety of pistons from many different manufacturers, all with different specs. You can use this compression ratio calculator to compare different piston combinations, as well as seeing what changes in cylinder head chamber volume, block deck height and head gaskets have on final static compression ratio.
You can try different combinations by changing the head chamber volume ccs, engine block deck height, cylinder bore size, etc. and see how they affect compression ratio. This static compression ratio calculator is an accurate tool and can assist you with selecting the best combination of parts for your engine.
You can enter the displacement in ccs of the exact head gasket you are planning to use if you have that spec. Using the gasket ccs is a bit more accurate than using the gasket thickness as when using the thickness an approximation is made about the gasket ccs by the formula. To use the actual head gasket displacement volume do the following. In the "Gasket Thickness" field enter ".0001". Then add together the gasket displacement ccs with the "Head" ccs. For example, if you have a 64cc head chamber and a cylinder head gasket displacement of 9.2 ccs, then in the "Head" ccs field enter "73.2".
GV (Head Gasket Volume) = Bore(in) X Bore(in) X 12.87 X (Head Gasket Thickness in Inches) DV (Below Deck Volume) = Bore(in) X Bore(in) X 12.87 X (Inches Below the Deck) HV (Head Volume) = CC's VV (Dish, Valve Pocket, Dome Volume) = CC's (Minus for dish or valve pockets, Plus for dome) PV (Volume displaced by Piston) = Bore X Bore X Stroke X 12.87 Compression Ratio = (GV+DV+HV-VV+PV) / (GV+DV+HV-VV) Cubic Inches = Bore x Bore X Stroke X Number of Cylinders X .7854 Convert Cubic Inches to CCs = Cubic Inches X 16.386 Convert Cubic Inches to Liters = Cubic Inches X .016386 Engine in Liters = (Bore(mm) X Bore(mm) X Stroke(mm) X Number of Cylinders X 12.87) / (16386 X 1000) Engine in CCs = (Bore(mm) X Bore(mm) X Stroke(mm) X Number of Cylinders X 12.87) / 16386 Convert CCs to Cubic Inches = CCs / 16.386 Convert Liters to Cubic Inches = Liters / .016386